Adidas * Encode

More Within Reach

More Within Reach

More Within Reach

More Within Reach

In a world where traditional shopping environments often overlook the needs of visually impaired individuals, 'Adidas Encode' emerges as a transformative campaign, reshaping the landscape of fashion and fitness accessibility.

In a world where traditional shopping environments often overlook the needs of visually impaired individuals, 'Adidas Encode' emerges as a transformative campaign, reshaping the landscape of fashion and fitness accessibility.

In a world where traditional shopping environments often overlook the needs of visually impaired individuals, 'Adidas Encode' emerges as a transformative campaign, reshaping the landscape of fashion and fitness accessibility.

In a world where traditional shopping environments often overlook the needs of visually impaired individuals, 'Adidas Encode' emerges as a transformative campaign, reshaping the landscape of fashion and fitness accessibility.



My Role

Strategy Art Direction Branding


Tom Gregory



In the realm of fashion and fitness, visually impaired individuals face significant barriers. Traditional shopping environments are riddled with accessibility gaps, curbing their independence, comfort, and confidence. Enter "Adidas Encode," a campaign designed to elevate fashion and fitness, extending a tactile experience beyond the visual spectrum.

The campaign introduces a clothing line designed for visually impaired individuals. Braille packaging and clothing tags, bigger text size, high contrast colour palette and much more, ensuring that every piece was not just a garment but a tactile narrative. In addition, a redesign of the entire shopping experience, from store signage to website accessibility. The goal is to break down barriers and offer an all-encompassing, inclusive shopping environment. This includes features like night mode and text size customization on the website, ensuring a seamless 360-degree experience.

An AI shopping assistant "EncodeAI" is introduced—a digital companion designed to cater to the unique needs of visually impaired shoppers. This virtual assistant, helps shoppers navigate the collection, guiding them through choices, sizes, and styles and more. It can be used in APP, Website and In Store. The "Adidas Encode" campaign aims to set a precedent—challenging industry norms and encouraging a paradigm shift towards universal inclusivity in the fashion and fitness sectors.

Send a paper airplane my way


© Sammara Woolrich 2023

Send a paper airplane my way


© Sammara Woolrich 2023

Send a paper airplane my way


© Sammara Woolrich 2023